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Successful start to Lestedo’s Festa da Filloíña” and “Entroido da Filloa” events, which attracted thousands of visitors

Lestedo’s “Festa da Filloíña” and “Entroido da Filloa,” two events included in Lestedo’s 40th “Filloa” Festival, could not have gotten off to a better start. Thousands of visitors filled this fairground in the parish of Boqueixón from early evening to the wee hours the following morning.

The music of the children’s groups Lucerniñas, Luceiro, and Luarada (all of which belong to the “Mestre Manuel Gacio” Cultural Association), As Travesas de Codeso, and Os Campiños de Sarandón was followed by the opening speech of the children’s festival and two amusing performances featuring xeneraliños (little generals). “Our intention with this festival is to help keep up the tradition of our most traditional festivals, such as Os Xenerais da Ulla,” explains José Manuel Canabal, president of the “Filloa” Cultural Association. “After seeing the outcome, we can definitely say we have a good reserve of youngsters.”

After the performances with the little generals, the kids that came in fancy dress and that performed at the beginning of the festival enjoyed a free picnic including “filloas,” which was the first official use of the filloeira (filloa-making) machine acquired by the “Filloa” Cultural Association in collaboration with A Coruña Provincial Council. The machine was used to make “filloas” all evening and into the night, at the rate of 800 “filloas” per hour.

Fancy-dress competition

After the kids got their strength back, there was a Children’s Fancy-Dress Competition featuring twenty odd participants from the surrounding area. In fact, only the second group prize stayed in Lestedo: Luceiros from Lestedo was awarded a prize for the “Señoras da Vila” fancy dress, with the participation of 16 boys and girls. The first group prize went to the amusing “Big Dipper” of Filloa Coaster (Touro). The children’s prize travelled to Teo: the first prize went to Cacheiras (“Soñando coa batuta”) and the second to Luou (“Botafumeiro”). Three performances by the girls of the Squadra Boqueixón Rítmica dance club gave way to Priscila Dance, who got young and old dancing with her funny choreographies.

In the evening, the “Entroido da Filloa” (“Filloa” Carnival) began with performances by the Finisterre orchestra and the Origen group, who filled Lestedo’s fairground. After a break for the fancy dress competition for adults, they continued with the fiesta well into the early morning. Both the “Festa da Filloíña” and the “Entroido da Filloa” are two events held in parallel to Lestedo’s 40th “Filloa” Festiuval, which will take place on Sunday, February 26.

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