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Large participation in the 2nd “Filloarte,” the Filloa de Lestedo Festival’s photography competition

The “Filloa” Cultural Association made use of the break during an evening open-air dance at the Filloa de Lestedo Festival to hand over the prizes of the 2ndFilloarte” photography exhibition, in which 38 images competed to capture the best photos of this delicacy.

This year there were two prize categories: a people’s section, which is decided by the number of “Likes” on the Filloa de Lestedo Festival’s Facebook page, and a category decided by a panel of professional judges from the world of photography. In the people’s category, first prize went to Esteban Viéitez and second prize to Sara Cernadas. The panel of professional judges awarded first prize to Cristina Lareo and second prize to Paula Castillejo.

The two first-prize winners will receive an overnight stay in María Manuela Enoturismo cabins, while the second-prize winners will enjoy dinner in the O Balado restaurant, whose chef, Roberto Filgueira, is a member of the NOVE group and has been awarded a green star for his culinary abilities.

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